Great article, Monika. By coincidence (or maybe by serendipity?) I tuned into a webinar yesterday - 'Can we win the fight against fake news? Mapping solutions to the disinformation crisis' - which was about the growing tide of disinformation here in Australia, the atomising effects of NewsCorp on our sense of community, the othering politics deployed to boost the No vote in our recent referendum on whether Aboriginal Australians should have a voice to parliament, and the increasing number of Australians disappearing down consipracy theory rabbit holes. One of the panellists, Tyson Yunkaporta, said a really profound thing about people who are drawn into echo chambers and even conspiracy theories, that I think chimes with what you've written in your article. He said 'they've lost their home. We need to find them another home.'

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Thanks for sharing, Meredith and great for me to learn about the current political climate in Australia regarding this subject. Indeed, “homelessness“ is exactly how Hannah Arendt described it as well, the feeling of bereftness is one way how loneliness can show up.

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'Bereft' is an awesome word. And very apt for when one is talking about loneliness.

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