May 21Liked by Monika Jiang

Monika, thank you so much for your effort to raise awareness and all the great writing you are providing! I really appreciate it as I’m deeply impacted by the phenomenon and am trying to do something about it myself.

However, I have noticed a paradoxical trend: my impression is that there is also a deep sense of apathy alongside feelings of isolation and non-belonging. It seems socially acceptable to feel lonely and to bear the burden in silence and shame. I’d like to understand this aspect better, so it would be very helpful if you could provide some insight based on your experience. Thank you 🙏

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Thank you for this thoughtful message and your support! Happy to touch on this aspect indeed, it’s precisely the shame and stigma of loneliness that often keeps it hidden and, as you say, “tolerated“ in our societies. I’ll be looking into it and will do my best to share more soon. Sending love your way!

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Thank you! I’m looking forward to reading more about what your journey teaches you 😊

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